Event First Aid
What we offer

As Bermuda’s leader in event medical care, our one-of-a-kind service is relied upon at over 200 events each year. We render care at numerous events across the island, from sporting events (including Motocross, Cup Match, triathlons, rugby, boxing and football matches) to concerts, harbor nights, exhibitions and fairs. Our resources include:
- A range of professional, qualified personnel from First Aider to Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
- 5 ambulances
- 2 response vehicles
- A range of equipment including bandages, splints, defibrillators, oxygen therapy and stretchers
- Radio communications
Providing medical cover for your event
To request this service, please send us an emailto [email protected] and provide the following information:
-Nature/Name and location of event
-Date and time of the event
-Number of people (participants, spectators)
-Name of contact person that will be present on the day of the event
-Cell number and email of the above
Once completed, you will be contacted by a member of our Events Team via the email address provided.
Please be advised that donations for service are necessary in order to secure our services. For further enquiries or information, please contact the Events Team at [email protected].